Thank you for taking the time out of your already busy day to read my Blog!
Some of you know me and some of you don't. For those that do know me, Hi! For those that don't know who i am, my name is Holly Pavlyik and I'm a Mother of 6 fantastic kiddos!
- Alexandria
- Michael
- Maleah
- Johnathan
- Jeremy
- Joshua
I'm also, an Angel Mother. (more about that later). I work full time (not from home like i want), but I am the only one that takes care of my babies!
I was also a Fiance to one of the Greatest Men this world has ever seen. His name was John Yetka. We had been together 5 wonderful years. And this is where the story begins.
May 8th, 2015 started out like any other day for us. John got up for work (since he had been switched to first shift), and gave me a kiss and went out the door to work! At this time, i only worked part time (saturdays & sundays)! So during the week it was awesome, got up with John and fix breakfast for everyone before he went to work and I took the kids to school!
John and i always talked on the phone... ALWAYS... gotta love bluetooth capability! He called me at 4pm (that's when he got off work) and asked me "are you ready to ride", and me with a big ole grin on my face on the other end of the phone (who was ready for hours already) told him "i'll see you in the yard when ya get home"!!
We met our good friends Lisa & Harvey and headed out to the Brick. Lisa & Harvey have never been to the Brick. John & I got excited because we where out with friends and the Harleys!! We looked around at all the changes that had been made in Seymour, and looked at all the people that had been out and enjoying such a beautiful day like us! We had everything we wanted and nothing that we didn't. It was a dream come true for both of us. Life was just how we wanted it... but that all changed.
This day, will forever be etched in my brain/memory/heart/soul for as long as i breath. At 3:34pm the most horrific thing happened...
The accident happened...
John told me to hold on, so i grabbed the bike seat and tried to hold on. He got into the grass and when the back of the bike got low enough to the ground, he pushed me off and yelled "roll". He stayed with the bike. He tried to get it under control. As i was rolling i was getting so mad cause i couldn't stop. So i dug in my arms into the ground... all i could think was "i have to get to him, i have to get to him NOW". As i crawled towards him, the bike came to an abrupt halt, then John 'flew' into the air and landed lifeless in front of me. You could see the blood, you could see he was hurt badly. I leaned over and begged him not to leave me, and breathed into his mouth and he woke, he came back to me, he didn't leave me. John looked at me and said "i love you i love you", and then the pain took over and he was gone. Thats the last time he spoke to me, the last time i held him, that last time he heard me tell him i loved him.
Fast forward to May 23rd, 2015.
This was a great day! I went to spend time with John after i got off work and then headed out to pick up dinner and go out with friends. As i picked up my dinner, my Dad calls me and asks for my ex husbands phone number (which i didn't have), and told my Dad i didn't have it, and i really didn't want it. He told me that i might be changing my tune in a bit. So i got off the phone with my Dad (he told me he'd call me back), and went to my friends to have dinner. As i was sitting at the picnic table, i asked my friend for a tupperware bowl to mix my chinese food in. Then, i get another phone call from my Dad. He asks me "Holly are you alone, or are you with someone", i told him i was with friends, and he says "good i have something to tell you", and then he goes on to say the worst thing a Mother (Parent really) will ever have to hear... "Alleys gone." I actually got mad, and told him "what do you mean she's gone, she's probably out with friends. She always does when her and her dad get into a fight", my Dad yells at me "Damn it Holly Alexandria is dead."
Those words echo in my head daily. So that was that. My Daughter, My Little Girl Alexandria who i carried for 9 months was gone and never to come back. I don't know how i got there, but my friends had to pick me up off the floor. My phone was halfway across the kitchen and i was crumpled in a heap yelling "Daddy NO, Daddy NO, I don't believe you, this is a cruel joke". But it wasn't a joke, it wasn't a game, it was reality.
That May, i lost 2 of the most precious people in my life.
I can't go on with this post... I'm sorry.
This was really difficult to read. I knew your story. I knew bits and pieces of what happened, but the actual details...I can understand why you could not write anymore. Thank you for your honesty and bravery in starting your blog. I hope that you find it as a place to come and let your feelings out. The way that you wrote it made me feel like I was actually right there and if I were, I would be hugging you. Thank you for sharing a bit of your heart with the world.